God Bless You

What IS a blessing?  Well, the kind of blessings we’re talking about today are the invoking of God’s favor upon a person.  While I’m not big on the luck of the Irish, I love Irish blessings!  No country invokes God’s favor upon others quite like the Irish!

Since it’s just one day past St. Patrick’s Day, I wanted to take this opportunity to invoke God’s favor upon you!  Fasten your seat belt…  here we go!

28 May God give you heaven’s dew and earth’s richness— an abundance of grain and new wine.
29 May nations serve you and peoples bow down to you. Be lord over your brothers, and may the sons of your mother bow down to you. May those who curse you be cursed and those who bless you be blessed.  – Genesis 27:28-29

Isn’t that a beautiful photograph?  It was taken by our friend and fellow poet, David Catherwood.

Is there a wedding in your future?  Here’s a beautiful marriage blessing:

OH…  written in the key of E…  ugh.  Good for a guitar player – difficult for a piano player.  LOL!  I could play it…  but I wouldn’t LIKE it.

Here’s a beautiful poem by Lucinda Berry Hill:

We are blessed by God and in turn we bless others.

Near Powerscourt Castle in Ireland

And last, but certainly not least – this beautiful Irish prayer.  I pray this for each of you!

I hope and pray you have a wonderful, blessed week!  🙂


a-commentary-from-the-heart-48ecclesiastes-3-10-12 What God-given tasks are done every day?  Do you know a doctor or a nurse?  Certainly, what they do is very important to their patients – and praise God, He gave them the intelligence to take good care of sick people!  Do you know a clown?  What a unique gift to be given by God – the ability to make others forget their problems for just a little while – and make them laugh.  The list goes on and on…  do you know a pastor?  I couldn’t be a pastor – pastor’s are definitely called by God.  They are special people and are much more patient than me.

We call our jobs vocations or careers – but in reality, we choose to do what the Lord has given us to do – that’s why we enjoy what we do.  I’ve had jobs in my lifetime – and believe me, they were jobs – just a way to make a little extra money.  Now that I’m retired and writing…  I am so much more happy because this is what God wants me to do.  I don’t get paid – but payment comes in different forms.  Money really isn’t everything – we just need it to buy things.

It’s a wonderful feeling to submit to God’s will in your life and have a sense of accomplishment in the bargain.  Success isn’t always wrapped around a dollar amount.  Sometimes it comes in the form of encouragement or a simple “Amen” in the comments of your blog.  Bloggers need encouragement like everyone else.

Does the task you perform to make a living also make God smile?  If you’re just doing a job to make a little extra money, I want to encourage you to re-think the way you spend your time.  Is there more you want to do with your life?  I remember thinking that the time I spent sitting in a cubicle at the office was time I was never going to get back.  I decided my time is worth more to me than the money they paid me to spend it there.

Speaking of tasks…  with some help from my friends, Lucinda Berry HIll and Marian Poppy Ballestero – there will be a very special blog post on April 9th, Palm Sunday.  Please pray for this project, for I hope it is the first of many.  I won’t spoil the surprise – you’ll just have to wait.

To rejoice in the goodness of God and do good in life is what it’s all about.  I want to do tasks that use my God-given gifts, don’t you?  🙂




A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.  – Proverbs 17:22

The Great Physician prescribes a cheerful heart for what ails us.  Who are we to question that divine advice?  Today is all about cheer – laughter – positivity.  Disclaimer:  These images may prompt responses that require you to open your mouth.  Please swallow the beverage you’re drinking before looking at them to avoid spewing, which could mess up your computer.  Don’t ask me how I know that.  No, seriously – don’t ask. 

Grab your coffee and let’s look at some pictures.  I’m drinking coffee from my heart mug today.  ❤


A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.  Here’s your dose of happy for today.

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We learned so much from Ernestine, didn’t we?  She taught us how to behave in the workplace…  be tough, but use humor at the most crucial time (when you actually want to beat the tar out of someone).   She taught us that we need to wake up, get up, dress up (making certain you have earrings and a matching bracelet), and show up to work on time!   We also learned that it’s okay to snort on occasion during a conversation and laugh at the appropriate time.  Thank you, Ernestine!

When Ernestine’s job phased out, they introduced her to a computer and put her in a cubicle with enough room to turn your chair exactly one half turn in two directions, but not enough room to stretch your legs out in front of you.  She no longer worked for the telephone company, but for a health insurance company.  The building was in downtown Wichita, Kansas and she worked on the 6th floor.

Wait…  that’s not Ernestine – that’s me.  Okay – we’re talking about me and my job.

How do we take our manners to work with us?  I’m so glad you asked.  I happen to have made a list.  I made this list a few years ago, long before I retired.  I’ve been waiting for the perfect time to share it – and it seems the opportunity has present itself, so…  here it is.

  1.  Whether you got up on the right side of the bed or not is unimportant…  you must begin by looking at yourself in the mirror and practicing your smile.  Good manners in the workplace begin with a good attitude, and a good attitude depends on your view of yourself.  It’s true!  If you like you, then it follows that others will like you too!  I’m not advocating the self-love, can’t get enough of myself junk that hit songs are made of these days – NO.  I’m just saying a healthy self-esteem is a step in the right direction, that’s all.
  2. Pray about the coming day.  I hear you saying, “I don’t have time for devotions in the morning – I have to get to work!”  Did I say anything about having actual devotions in the morning?  If you happen to be a disciplined person who gets up and hour earlier to accommodate that into your routine, then good for you.  For the rest of us…  pray while you’re in the shower – God hears you there too, you know!  By the same token, if you get up early enough to take a jog or a run or a skip around the neighborhood – you are disciplined enough to take care of your physical body…  doesn’t your spiritual self deserve some time too?  Jus’ sayin’…
  3. Be geared up to have a great day, but be prepared for worst case scenario.  Don’t let anything blind side you.  Remember who you are and that regardless of what happens, God loves you.  People do not always love you, but that’s not in their job description.  Let’s face it, we don’t pick our family and we don’t pick our co-workers.  These are just people who need to make money.  That’s the only reason they are there – just like you.  Don’t expect to make friends.  If you do make friends, that’s a bonus!
  4. I had a pet peeve about elevator etiquette.  If you think about this rationally, it makes sense.  When you get to work and need to get in the elevator to get to the 6th floor, it’s okay to push the button and stand there – that’s fine.  But don’t stand right next to the doors of the elevator!  If there are folks inside the elevator who want to come down to the 1st floor, they will need to have some space – give them room to exit the elevator before you get on!  For Pete’s sake, don’t just charge into the elevator right after the doors open!  It made me cray cray when someone would do that and I’d be trying to exit with some degree of decorum and integrity intact.
  5. Don’t talk about anybody ever…  gossip is not pretty in a family, in a church, or in a workplace.  It’s dangerous territory – do your best to rise above the temptation.  It is tempting because some people can make you nuts, but keep that information to yourself.  A better idea is to just pray for the ones who grate on your nerves.  Funny thing, but once you start to pray for them, you don’t dislike them so much and sometimes you begin to understand them better.
  6. It’s perfectly fine to speak cordially to co-workers, but to stand around and chit-chat and laugh and carry on is rude and annoying to others.  It’s distracting when some are trying to think about – you know, work.
  7. Be available at break time or at lunch for co-workers.  Some ministry doors have been opened to me at work.  It’s amazing how much you can share with a co-worker about your faith over a Wendy’s burger.
  8. Did you know that when you’re talking on the phone with a person, when you smile, they can HEAR that you’re smiling?  It’s weird, but it’s true.  Genuine courtesy is refreshing.  We’ve all met people who seem fake and robotic where courtesy is concerned.  Work on making common courtesy a part of who you are as a person.  With a little preparation and thoughtfulness, you can be a person with genuine courtesy.  It’s still better to give than to receive and to think of others before yourself.

So like Ernestine, we can go to work all scrubbed up and spiffed up, with our smile, sense of humor and manners on board.  Have a GREAT day!  🙂



There are different meanings behind the word CHARACTER.  We talk about a character that is portrayed in a movie or program on TV.  Sometimes we refer to a person as a real CHARACTER…  it’s usually not a compliment.  It’s rare these days to hear that a person has a good CHARACTER, meaning that they can be trusted and live an upstanding life.

Which one of these definitions describe you now?  No, wait – don’t tell me.  The real question is, which one of these definitions would you like to describe you in 2016?

Character is the ability to carry out a good resolution long after the excitement of the moment has passed.  – Cavett Robert

It’s going to sound like I’m trying to lay guilt on you, but which one of these CHARACTER definitions would Christ be pleased with where you’re concerned?  Hmm…  that puts it in a different light, doesn’t it?  I’m pretty sure He would not like for me to BE a CHARACTER – not in that way.  And I won’t be acting anytime soon, so…

There is just one kind of CHARACTER to be known as – that is to have a good CHARACTER – a good reputation, a good track record, as it were…  He is pleased when we are what we’re supposed to be as His child.

Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.  – Maya Angelou

Sadly, there are a ton of examples of Christians who put forth all the right stuff – or so it seemed – and in the end, they were not genuine in their relationship with Christ.  If we are going to claim Christ is our Savior, we need to tow the line in the relationship.  I’m not fussing at you, I’m talking to me too.


We fail because we’re human, but we need to do our very best in spite of the times we fail Him.  God is so faithful to us and He does forgive when we ask.  In 2016, let’s put our best foot forward in our relationship with Christ and be people of good CHARACTER…  when the world sees us, may they say, “Yes, this is a little Christ…  a Christian with good CHARACTER.”  🙂




This day’s goal does not seem that difficult – to smile and say MERRY CHRISTMAS to someone.

Maybe it’s because I’m old, but I used to hear MERRY CHRISTMAS more often when I was a kid.  Nobody thought of getting offended or being politically correct back then.  We didn’t give a hang what the government thought of what we said – or who we said it to.  I’m the first to admit we hung with like-minded people.  Our friends and neighbors were Christians and went to church – so saying MERRY CHRISTMAS didn’t seem like such a big whoop to us – it’s just what we did. 

As I got older, I became friends with people of many faiths through my workplace.  I’m still not a terribly diverse individual, but I am aware that not everyone is just like me – and I’ll add – whew – that’s a good thing.  Here’s the deal – I see every person on the planet as a soul that my Jesus died on the cross to save, whether they accept that fact is immaterial.  It’s a fact that Christ died for all.  I hope that the words MERRY CHRISTMAS do not offend anyone, but it’s what I celebrate.  To me, it’s the only reason to celebrate.

You know, the Bible tells us that if we are ashamed of Christ, God will be ashamed of us…  so – don’t be afraid to say MERRY CHRISTMAS.  Doing it with a smile is a good idea.  Yes, yes – I know it will take a great deal of preparation.  Drink your morning coffee and suck on a candy cane – it’ll be alright.   Just remember, your faith in God trumps anything the government says.  Don’t be scared to be what you are, or of offending others with what you believe.  Are they scared of offending you???  Um…  no – guessing they are not.  So, smile and SHINE!  We’re not being intolerant of other faiths, we’re just expressing our own – just as they do.  🙂

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Click image to enlarge







We do what we can financially to help.  We change our profile photo on facebook to a comic book hero to raise awareness.  We do what we can…  but the most important thing we can do is talk to our Father in Heaven on behalf of these little ones and their parents.

Loving Lord Jesus,

You were the One that said let the little children come unto me, and You placed Your hands on all – and blessed them.. I come to You today to ask that Your healing hand would touch the life of this little child, who has been diagnosed with cancer. Lord their little body is racked with pain and life has become so difficult, as the cancer is encroaching through their tiny frame. Be close to this little one I pray, and hold them close to Yourself. Lord, I ask that they may be healed and spared any from more pain. Be close to this little one each hour of the day, I pray. I lift up the parents, who are baffled by this disease and I ask for Your comfort and strength to uphold them as they seek to care for the little sick child. May they rest in You and be comforted and strengthened in this difficult time – and Lord, give them both the wisdom and skill to nurse their child back to full heath, I pray that they may the find their sufficiency and comfort in You, Whom to know is life eternal.  Thank You Lord Jesus, Amen.

What can my blog do for these sweet children?  I know there are some kids and their parents looking at this right now.  With help from my group, A Second Helping of Wellness…  with a Dash of Humor & a Pinch of Faith, we are giving you gifts of beauty, encouragement and hope.  We know that we can’t take the cancer away (how we wish we could), but we can bring a smile to your face or give you a moment of calm.

This post will be up from September 22nd through the end of the month.  Our group hopes you are encouraged and filled with renewed hope after you look through this post.  Grab your umbrella because a shower of HOPE is on its way!

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.  – Marcel Proust



Remember the story of David and Goliath?  David was just a little boy, but with God’s help he sure did kill the giant, didn’t he?

This photo from my friend Stephanie Guier Lutz put a big grin on my face!


And remember that you are never alone…



LOL – this pup is reading COFFEE WITH JESUS!  Photo courtesy of Barbara Dunn.

And this photo from Lucinda Berry Hill:


Does anyone else want Ice Cream for Breakfast?


Strawberry, Vanilla or Chocolate???  How about all THREE???  Yum!!!


And wow…  enjoy this from my friend, Valerie McKinney!


How cool is that???

And how about this cute picture taken by Lucinda Berry Hill?


We care about those with cancer!  Right now, Lucinda is helping those battling breast cancer.  Find out how you can help here on her facebook wall:


Our patients become our heroes.  – Lisa Newman, M.D., director of the University of Michigan Breast Care Center

To all the wonderful folks fighting cancer…  we want you to know we love you and we care.  Our thoughts and prayers are with you. 

GENESIS 8:22 ON 8/22

TL GENESIS 8 22 ON 8 22

As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.  – Genesis 8:22

A promise from God along with a sign


We can rely on God to allow the seasons to keep going with no interruption as long as the earth endures.  God is so reliable and His promises are true!

Of course in this present day, we wonder why there have to be floods in some parts of the world while other parts seem to be burning up.  I don’t have answers to those questions, but I do keep the folks in those areas in my thoughts and prayers every day.  We just need to trust God’s sovereign wisdom in these situations.  I’m not omnipotent, but He is.

The rainbow in the sky after the rain is packed with promises and makes every Christian smile with a sense of contentment with their Creator.  I believe most of us take a moment to silently pray, thanking God for giving us another chance to be the people He wants us to be in Him.

We only want to please our Father and make Him smile.  When we see evidence of His promises in the rainbow, it makes us want to be better in our faith.  It makes us want to walk even closer to God.

I suppose we can also look at this scripture and be reminded of a time of sowing the precious seed of the Word, which at times brings about a harvest, gathering souls into it.  Then there is a winter season, cold, with things seeming withered and dead.  Then there are summer seasons, when everything looks smiling and cheerful.  But sometimes summer brings with it intense heat – which could represent the persecution of God’s people.  I pray He is pleased with what we do with this wonderful life He gave us.


We have God’s promise that the seasons will continue until the time when He will turn to Jesus and tell Him to return to earth to gather His own and bring them to Him.  I look forward to that time, don’t you?  🙂




The very fact that we humans have a sense of humor indicates that God does, too, for we are made in His image.   You can’t look at penguins, platypuses, and puppies without thinking that God has a sense of humor!  Jesus, as the Son of God, shares the Father’s attributes, including a sense of humor.

As the Son of Man, Jesus shares in the full human experience. We cannot imagine life without laughter; even those in dire circumstances have known seasons of joy. Everyone laughs and appreciates good humor. To say that Jesus never expressed joy through laughter is akin to denying His full humanity.

Yes, I watched the Republican debate and there were certainly some funny moments, but when it’s all said and done I have to say…


We have to learn to laugh, and for me this video did the trick!  I really dig that little Donald Trump, don’t you?  Love the rug!  The wee little Rand Paul is too cute as well.

You know, there was a time not so long ago when the ideologies of Democrats and Republicans were minimal.  They seem to be polar opposites these days.  That’s why I believe so strongly that conservative Christians need to wake up and pay attention to what’s going on.

For years I’ve heard friends and family say there’s nothing we can do about it, so why pay attention?  Well – maybe a few years ago we could have taken that attitude, but now…  I don’t know.  It seems to me we need to follow current events closer now.  And if you wonder what you can do…  as a voter – you can pray before the election – then vote your conscience.

The “real” debate (with the so-called grown-ups) was entertaining at times, but I just had to share the kid’s version because it’s just so darn cute!

Life gets heavy and weighs us down.  When we can find a reason to smile and laugh, why not share it?  I don’t believe God expects us to be less than joyful because we know that He has always seen us through – and will continue to lead us going forward.  We have nothing to fear because He is in control.  🙂







When you think of the grace of God, how do you respond?  Do you sing?  Pray?  Praise?  Smile?  All of the above?  God’s grace is truly…  well – amazing!!! 


When we perceive our spiritual blessings on a conscious level, it’s okay to take a moment to let God know how grateful we are for those supernatural gifts from Him.  Precious moments make us feel closer to God too, don’t they?  The other day, I was working on something in the living room while my husband was cooking in the kitchen.  I just had to take a moment to thank God for my blessings!

The more we thank God for blessings, the better our lives get.  How about giving your significant other a bear hug?  It’s a tiny act of love, but when you’ve been presented with a fantastic meal or a sweet compliment out of the blue – it’s a good idea to recognize such positive behavior.  We want it to continue, don’t we?  😉

God’s grace is the greatest of all blessings for all of mankind.  If not for His grace, we would be lost – literally.  Eternally lost.  So when we feel a flood of gratitude because of it – it’s a good thing!

Sometimes expressing thanks to God for all He’s done is like popping an anti-anxiety piece of chocolate after a stressful day at work.  It’s really better because the chocolate isn’t going to last, but when we sing, pray, praise and smile because of what God has done for us, it’s a lasting experience.  It seems to make every aspect of life that much better, doesn’t it?

Don’t wait for Thanksgiving to begin thanking God for His grace, mercy and love.  No one will ever love you like He does!  Count your blessings – big and small.  God has given us so much to be thankful for – and it takes more than just one day out of the year to thank Him sufficiently.  🙂