Yes, I know this is not Sunday – LOL!  I’m interrupting this Friday the 13th, which is typically seen as the worst day you can possibly have, to bring you some GOOD NEWS!  But first, let’s review a few things that historians have claimed:

They claim that Eve ate the forbidden fruit from the tree of Knowledge on Friday the 13th.  They also say that the great flood began on Friday the 13th.  And finally, the builders of the Tower of Babel started their work on – you guessed it – Friday the 13th.  And what about the New Testament?  Well, it’s notable that there were 13 people present for Christ’s Last Supper on Maundy Thursday, the day before Jesus was crucified on Good Friday.  Now – was that a Friday the 13th?  I think not.

One Friday the 13th, I was watching a telecast of a sermon by Joseph Prince.  I don’t like to say I have a favorite TV preacher, but I enjoy listening to him.  He interjects interesting facts – and on this Friday the 13th, I was not disappointed.  Let’s take another look at this verse in Hebrews:

Let us go forth therefore unto HIM outside the camp, bearing His reproach.  – Hebrews 13:13

Well, the obvious thing is that this is the 13th Chapter and the 13th verse.  Joseph Prince also pointed out that there are 13 words in this verse – but wait, it gets better.  The word in the center of this verse is HIM.  I l LOVE THAT!!!  So, what is that take away?  If we have HIM, do we have to dread Friday the 13th as the world does?  NO!  No, we do not!  

I vowed that I would point this out to everyone here on the blog the next time we have a Friday that falls on the 13th.  I want to promote the positivity that belonging to Christ brings!  He brings His children joy, peace, love, and all the fruits of His Spirit.  Lucinda wrote a neat poem about Hebrews 13:13.  I know you’ll like it!

I wasn’t able to find the sermon by Joseph Prince, but Hebrews 13:13 means even more to me since I saw this sermon.  I hope you will watch with receptive hearts and minds.

So…  let’s keep the positive side of Friday the 13th in mind, and throw away the other stuff.  Oh, I do want to leave you with something that I think is HI-larious!  Frankly, this is what comes to mind when I think of Friday the 13th:

Isn’t that funny???  I’m rollin’!!!  😀


COMMENTARY FROM THE HEART 35friday-706915_1280Since today is Friday, I thought it would be fun to show you some FRIDAY FACES.  If you have to ask what a Friday Face is, then you obviously have not had to endure a job you hated for a long time.  A Friday Face is that look of pure joy that washes over you when you realize that you have finally completed a week and will have two days all to yourself to do what you really enjoy doing. 

There are many weekend warriors out there – I have been in the ranks in my life.  For the most part I enjoyed my work, but there were a couple of jobs that I didn’t think I’d survive – yet with God’s help, I did.BEAUTIFYING WITH THE TEENAGER

Happiness really is an inside job!  We have choices to enjoy the ones we live with or spend time fussing with them.  I choose to enjoy my loved ones because life is just way too short (so am I, but we’ll save that subject for another post).

Here’s my FRIDAY FACE!  WHAT CAN MAN DO TO MEHere’s my FRIDAY FACE!  Bring on the weekend…  I’m sleepin’ in!BE AT REST ONCE MORELOL…  a different Friday in a different year.  🙂  Spa days are so much fun!!!

girl-453096_1920She’s just a little ready for the weekend…  I’d say so!chipmunk-pig-1182230_1920I can dig the pig in the tote…  say that five times fast… LOL!!!

feet-767045_1920During the week he wears shined shoes with an expensive suit and tie.  This weekend he will put on hiking boots and work off some stress on a familiar trail that seems to be calling his name.  This is the man he really is, not the stuffed shirt people see during the week.  By Monday he will be ready to do what they pay him to do, but he won’t think about that until Sunday night.  He’s a good man and does what he has to do to take care of his family – but he dreams of a time in life when he can live in the hiking boots and walk the trail anytime he wants to seek adventure outdoors.girl-102829_1920

She works in a flower shop all week inside a local grocery store.  Every Friday she puts a freshly cut flower in her hair, thanks God for seeing her through yet again and leaves the store with a big grin on her face, knowing that she has the weekend to recharge her batteries so she can get up on Monday morning and do it all over again.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.  – Proverbs 3:5-6

Yes I know there are so many things on your mind right now.  The election and other assorted divisive issues have all of us feeling a burden like never before.  But for today – just for this one Friday…  I want to let it go – give it all to GOD – and bask in the blessings from God – on this day and in this weekend.

If you want to be happy, be.  – Leo Tolstoy

Marian’s photo reminded me that we need to take moments with our family members – and laugh – and take selfies to post on facebook!  YES!!!

As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.  – Isaiah 55:9

God gave us these marvelous people to weather life’s storms with – and it’s not that we are in denial of what is happening around us, but rather it is an awakening of sorts, a realization that our family and friends – they are our blessings…  God’s wonderful gift to us.  Have a blessed and happy Friday!  Enjoy the weekend!  🙂