tl-thanksgiving-2016-11-12-thru-11-24No matter in what language you speak, thanksgiving prayers are often written in the form of poems or songs.  I’m not just saying that because I’m a poet and musician.  Every day from now until thanksgiving, I want to share a prayer and some wishes for you and your family.


Will you pray with me?



I wish for you and your family more unity.  I wish you wisdom and discernment as you gather together to count blessings.  I wish you a truly heart-warming thanksgiving with the Spirit of God right in the center!  🙂




A culture Christmas is cold, commercialized and calculated.  Everyone is all about the bottom line financially.  How much will retailers make this year?  Profit margins and being in the black are the most important aspects of a culture Christmas.  No wonder it leaves non-Christians feeling cold and wanting.

To lean heavily on the mere traditions of Christmas is to miss the mark and to miss the meaning. If we are so wrapped up in the “doing” part of Christmas, we miss the “being”, the present that God wants for all of us to receive. He wants us to see His Son, Jesus. Celebrate His birthday and be grateful that He came to save the world. There is no greater gift than that. No new technological gizmo can top that!

A culture Christmas will have you on an emotional “high” for just a little while, getting all wrapped up in the glitz and glitter, the rushing and the flitting here and hurry there. It is fun and folly for a short time. Unfortunately, the result of that sort of celebration leaves you empty inside. When you indulge the carnal folly of Christmas, you end up with an empty soul and a sad credit card statement. Most people just over-spend and it takes the rest of the year to get the debt paid off – if it gets paid off.

There’s a better way to approach Christmas. It begins with pure simplicity and a level logic. It’s not based on external folly, but internal wisdom that will rule your heart. It is not a fleeting happiness, but a deep sense of peace and joy that will remain in your heart long after the last Christmas decoration has been put away for the year. Christ Himself wants to inhabit your heart and fill you will joy unspeakable and full of glory. He alone can replace the carnal desires with real peace and contentment that allow you to see beyond all the frills and fluff of a culture Christmas – to a personal celebration between you and Him.

For a Christian, Christmas is simply Thanksgiving all over again. We keep the same attitude of gratitude, adding our eternal thanks for the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. While we know that His birth is what we are celebrating, many of us also have a Christmas tree and exchange gifts. The difference is that we know in our hearts that God gave us the greatest gift of all, Jesus!




So if you reached into the treasure chest of God’s blessings, (which, by the way, never empties) how many blessings would you pull out? How many could you hold? Would you be shy and not want to take too many because you don’t want to appear selfish? Or, would you get a firm grip on every blessing you possibly could?

Well it’s Thanksgiving Day, and I pray for you every possible blessing from God’s endless bounty of blessings! Don’t be shy, step up and claim them from your Lord and humbly thank Him for His goodness to you! He wants only the best for His children. He loves us so much – we can’t even imagine.

The Psalmist, David, wrote this observation in God’s Holy Word, The Bible:

I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread. – Psalm 37:25

Have faith today that God will meet all your needs. This Thanksgiving you have so much to be grateful for. I know you already know that, but I’m reminding you of the obvious.

Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; His love endures forever. – 1 Chronicles 16:34

HAPPY THANKSGIVUKAH!!! Now… pass me that punkin’ pie!!!

I wrote this little Thanksgiving poem/prayer for my friend Meri. I want to give she and her wonderful family a special shout out this year! ❤





I would go so far as to say that practicing gratitude even as you complain about your aches and pains is acceptable and proper. God understands.   – Linda Palmer

There are days when diabetes is difficult, or fibromyalgia is frustrating, or migraines are mischievous – but this is one of those rare days when it all hits at the same time! WIPE OUT!!!  My fasting blood sugar was horrible because my other conditions are present. The second I woke up I felt my head playing “Wipe Out” and knew that Excedrin Migraine would be among the morning drugs I’d take.

When my first foot hits the floor I say ‘Thank’ and when my second foot hits I say ‘You’.  Then I say ‘Thank You’ all the way to the bathroom.  A grateful heart is the key to happiness.  – Roma Downey

On days like this, when my health is such a challenge, I’m still grateful to be alive – to be living. I’ll admit that I wanted to go back to sleep – and I really wanted to lie back down when I tried to get out of bed and every joint in my body felt like burning coals. I will practice gratitude – yes, even today. God is good – all the time!

We have a storm moving into our area. I do not watch the weather – I don’t have to. When I feel this bad I know the humidity is very high and we have some rain moving in. I’m more reliable than any weather man. I should get the weather man’s paycheck. LOL!!!

I’m alive to complain – praise God!!! I am grateful.

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. – Psalm 46:1

Now – I have to stop looking at this computer. The light sears my brain – right behind my right eye. Tomorrow is a new day. I will find comfort today in the knowledge that God is my refuge and strength!  🙂