In this day of high prices, high taxes, high debt worldwide and in our own country, it is such a temptation to have a bad attitude.  If one was given to such moods, cynical and sour, today would be the day to show it.  But that would be taking the easy way out.  We don’t do that here on the blog, do we?

Is it possible to celebrate CURMUDGEONS DAY without being grumpy yourself?  Well, of course you can.  I want to challenge you to make a curmudgeon laugh!  It may be the largest challenge you’ve received all month, but I have faith that you can do it.  I see you scratching your head and saying, “Linda, you must be crazy!  You want me to go out and FIND a grouchy curmudgeon and make him / her laugh?”  YES – that’s what I’m asking you to do!

This day is not like Hermit Day when we stay inside all day and do nothing.  There’s a great big world out there and it is, unfortunately, filled with curmudgeons who need to snap out of it!

A self-proclaimed curmudgeon, Charles Murray, wrote a book called “The Curmudgeon’s Guide to Getting Ahead” for young people just getting started in the workplace.  I would recommend it to every young person who wants to get ahead in the business world.  Mr. Murray said the book started out as a way to “vent” about the mannerisms of millennials (I understand completely). 

I enjoyed LIKE watching this LIKE presentation he gave and LIKE hope you like it too… LIKE.  I quite literally rolled out of my chair when I heard him describe vocabulary with the overuse of the word LIKE as a LIKE TIC.  LOL!!!

It is not a day to excuse bad behavior and become grumpy yourself – no, but nice try.  If you are a grouch, it is not something to be proud of, but a mood that needs to be overcome.  We won’t be celebrating grumpiness on the blog today, but we will be the ones who go about spreading sunshine and the love of Christ to those who are downcast for whatever reason.

Have you ever crossed paths with a curmudgeon who seemed determined to frown back at you no matter what?  Don’t be discouraged – just keep smiling.  Whether they want to admit it or not, your smile is probably the best thing they could possibly receive.  Don’t give up!

A smile confuses an approaching frown.  – Author Unknown

If you are not typically a negative person, you could play a little trick on your family.  You could purposefully act grouchy around your loved ones – but make sure when you’re finished they know you were just joking!

 A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.  – Proverbs 17:22

Wouldn’t today be a great day to sit around the table with your family and make a list of blessings?  Appreciate your life and talk about why you really should not be grouchy and grumpy and difficult to live with.

If you belong to God, you are blessed and have no reason to be anything but happy and appreciative and smiling.  🙂




Today is WORLD HELLO DAY, a day to take time to say hello to everyone you meet!  Can you say hello without saying a word?

Now you know how I passed French in High School.  LOL!  That song is a good way to learn the numbers one to ten as well as a greeting.  I keep thinking one of these days I’ll find myself in France – at the Eiffel Tower – and need to know the language, at least minimally.  Hey – don’t deny me the dream!  I so want to see Europe one day!

How many languages can you say HELLO in? Well, of course!  Just as we can read our pets by their body language, we can read people.  Sometimes all a person needs is a smile to say hello.  How important is a HELLO from you?  It could make all the difference to someone you encounter, even if you don’t think it will.


My husband and I discussed the other day a movie called “The Jazz Singer”.  I did a little research and learned that it’s been remade twice.  The original came out in 1927 and starred Al Jolson.  It was one of the first American musicals put on film.  The first remake came out in 1953 and starred Danny Thomas.  Because the film did not do well, Thomas vowed to never act in another movie and stayed focused on television shows.  The second and last remake came out in 1980 and starred Neil Diamond.

Yes, there’s a point here – (thank you for your patience).  In the 1980 movie, Neil Diamond wowed us with his musical talent.  I enjoyed the music so much that I went out and bought the album almost immediately after I left the movie theatre!  Three of the songs from the album became Top 10 pop singles, with “Love on the Rocks,” “Hello Again” and “America” reaching #2, #6, and #8 respectively.

Of the three, my favorite song is “Hello Again”.  I think listening to that today may give us the nudge we need to go out and say hello to everyone we meet!  🙂

  The LORD also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble.  – Psalm 9:9

Each time “selah” appears in a psalm, the musicians paused, either to take a breath, or to sing a cappella or let the instruments play alone?  Perhaps they were pausing to praise Him about whom the song was speaking, perhaps even lifting their hands in worship.

Last night as I watched the President’s address about immigration, I had a “selah” moment.  It’s as if the Holy Spirit spoke to me and reminded me that I am to welcome all.  Now, I have not changed my mind about how things went down- and I likely never will.  It’s wrong for a President to try to make a law – and I’m so tired of the lying and proverbial pulling of the wool over “stupid” American’s eyes.  About those evil things – I pray.  About how angry those things get me – I pray.

But, God reminded me that I am to be Christ-like to people – all people.  That’s my job.  That is what I can control.

I was also reminded of a basic verse from Galatians:

 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith…  against such things there is no law.  – Galatians 5:22

God does not see borders and He wants me to be His ambassador, His representative.  God does not like ugly – no matter what the circumstance.  God sees all people, and they are precious souls created by Him.  🙂












So that’s what they were filming in Lawrence, KS in the 1950’s.  Huh…

When I was little my mom used to tease me because I was so observant. I don’t know if it’s nature or nurture, but for some reason I have always been keenly aware of my surroundings. I make mental notes of tiny details and notice immediately when something has changed. It’s both a blessing and a curse. It’s a curse when I see a picture hanging crooked and I am not at liberty to straighten it. That can drive me crazy!

I had some testing done yesterday which left me feeling a little under the weather. I didn’t feel like cooking so we went out for lunch after the appointment. We went to my favorite Chinese buffet because I had a craving for Lemon Chicken.

As the waitress seated us, I noticed that she did not speak much English. She knew how to say “table or booth” and “what to drink?” She spoke Chinese to the other workers and to another couple in the restaurant who were Chinese.

We were enjoying our lunch when I heard a different language being spoken right behind me. I wanted to turn around and look at the people, but mama always told me it was rude to turn around and stare at people behind you. When I was a kid I used to get in trouble for turning around in church to see who was sitting behind us (gee mom, I was just trying to be sociable).

I listened intently… it was Spanish. Now I was really curious. Then I heard something quite familiar – a baby crying! It was the Mexican couple’s child. It wasn’t just a baby’s cry – it was a newborn baby’s cry – that’s a distinct sound! No language barrier there!

Since it was a buffet, the Mexican couple did not have to give the waitress instructions. They took water from the pitcher on the buffet so there was not even a drink order. They went to get their food one at a time since obviously someone had to stay with the wee one.

The waitress came around to ask, “Everything Okay?” We politely nodded since our mouths were busy eating delicious food. Then she walked behind us to the Mexican couple. I heard her talking in the sweetest tone, her voice rising and lowering as though she was talking baby talk. She was making over the baby, but not in Spanish. She was speaking Chinese!

I’m sure the couple had no idea what the waitress was saying – but they knew it was a loving tone of voice. I could not see what was happening, but I heard a smile in her voice as she spoke. I could not stand it one more minute – I had to turn around and look! The waitress was smiling – I knew it! I think it’s the sweetest display of love I’ve ever seen! A smile and sweet tone of voice transcend all language, don’t they???

Now I know some of you are sitting there reading this saying, “Yeah, better tip for the waitress” but I honestly don’t think that was the motive for her actions! As I said, it was a buffet and most people don’t leave much of a tip for a waitress when it’s a buffet. I think she felt compelled to reach out and I’m glad she did. It doesn’t cost one thin dime to be nice to somebody. She could have just walked by, but chose to stop and dote on the newborn. It was so special. Thank you Lord for allowing me to observe genuine sweetness.

When I read the fortune inside my fortune cookie – that summed it up perfectly!

You need only to understand that it is not necessary to understand but only enjoy.