In this day of high prices, high taxes, high debt worldwide and in our own country, it is such a temptation to have a bad attitude.  If one was given to such moods, cynical and sour, today would be the day to show it.  But that would be taking the easy way out.  We don’t do that here on the blog, do we?

Is it possible to celebrate CURMUDGEONS DAY without being grumpy yourself?  Well, of course you can.  I want to challenge you to make a curmudgeon laugh!  It may be the largest challenge you’ve received all month, but I have faith that you can do it.  I see you scratching your head and saying, “Linda, you must be crazy!  You want me to go out and FIND a grouchy curmudgeon and make him / her laugh?”  YES – that’s what I’m asking you to do!

This day is not like Hermit Day when we stay inside all day and do nothing.  There’s a great big world out there and it is, unfortunately, filled with curmudgeons who need to snap out of it!

A self-proclaimed curmudgeon, Charles Murray, wrote a book called “The Curmudgeon’s Guide to Getting Ahead” for young people just getting started in the workplace.  I would recommend it to every young person who wants to get ahead in the business world.  Mr. Murray said the book started out as a way to “vent” about the mannerisms of millennials (I understand completely). 

I enjoyed LIKE watching this LIKE presentation he gave and LIKE hope you like it too… LIKE.  I quite literally rolled out of my chair when I heard him describe vocabulary with the overuse of the word LIKE as a LIKE TIC.  LOL!!!

It is not a day to excuse bad behavior and become grumpy yourself – no, but nice try.  If you are a grouch, it is not something to be proud of, but a mood that needs to be overcome.  We won’t be celebrating grumpiness on the blog today, but we will be the ones who go about spreading sunshine and the love of Christ to those who are downcast for whatever reason.

Have you ever crossed paths with a curmudgeon who seemed determined to frown back at you no matter what?  Don’t be discouraged – just keep smiling.  Whether they want to admit it or not, your smile is probably the best thing they could possibly receive.  Don’t give up!

A smile confuses an approaching frown.  – Author Unknown

If you are not typically a negative person, you could play a little trick on your family.  You could purposefully act grouchy around your loved ones – but make sure when you’re finished they know you were just joking!

 A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.  – Proverbs 17:22

Wouldn’t today be a great day to sit around the table with your family and make a list of blessings?  Appreciate your life and talk about why you really should not be grouchy and grumpy and difficult to live with.

If you belong to God, you are blessed and have no reason to be anything but happy and appreciative and smiling.  🙂