
I am pro-life; however, I’m not always silent.  For so many reasons, I am NOT voting for the out of touch, power-hungry, wealth seeking Hillary Clinton.  The ads about how she is champion of children everywhere makes me sick.  She forgot to make it clear that the children she supports are the ones who are already born.  She has said time and again that she thinks late-term abortion – that means up to the time of birth – is fine.  This is SO immoral and unnecessary.  You know what gets me?  As president, she would have the POWER to change the laws for the unborn – but if she did that, she would lose liberal pro-choice votes.  It’s ALL about winning without taking morals or values into consideration.  There’s man’s law and there’s GOD’S law…  I’d rather cross man’s law than God’s law any day and twice on Sunday.  God says abortion is MURDER.  It is murder, regardless of what the Constitution of the U.S. says.  No wonder our country is in trouble.

I don’t typically write about anything political, but this election is about so much more than any election in recent history.  The fate of the Supreme Court is in question.  The safety or lack thereof here in the U.S. is at stake.  Healthcare – don’t get me started.  We need to get away from all the tabloid junk from decades ago and get back to the issues, folks!  This is stupid…  we have debt beyond anything we’ve ever known.  America is in deep doo…  and all anyone can talk about is what someone said or did decades ago – it makes me nuts!  Quit it!

On Meet The Press, Mrs. Clinton expressed her views about unborn children.  She sort of double-talks around about how we would certainly help the MOTHER as much as possible – yeah…  but that poor unborn child – well…  not so much.

In Hillary world an unborn child is unprotected.  Who in their right mind kills an unborn child – the most helpless of all God’s creations?  Who in their right mind supports that platform???  As a man (or woman) thinketh, so is he (she).  Has she been a highly paid big time lawyer and politician for so long that she really doesn’t have a clue that it is evil and God calls it MURDER?

You know…  I’m just asking.  I’m not a highly paid anything.  I’m not a lawyer or a politician.  I’m just a person who wants to understand a country that does not protect the most innocent – the weakest ones among us???  It’s sad – just so very sad.  Jesus weeps.images-206

As I said, there are so many issues where Mrs. Clinton and I disagree.  The issue of abortion is a total deal-breaker in my book.  You know, if we ask God to Bless America…  how can we expect Him to bless our country if we show no regard for HIS ways???  Do you want peace, tranquility, prosperity and blessings from God?  Yeah, me too!  We have to stop murdering the unborn.  America will be judged – and God can and will withhold HIS blessing on us if we don’t get it together!  We need to humble ourselves before God and ask forgiveness – all of us – and turn from our wicked ways!  ONLY then will He heal our land and bless us abundantly.  Read 2 Chronicles 7:14.  Commit it to memory.  It matters.

It’s my two cents worth…  I pray for the upcoming election in America.  I pray that somehow in a quiet moment, Mrs. Clinton has an ah-ha moment and realizes that God’s laws trump the American Constitution and all the power and wealth she has accumulated all these years will not last forever.  I pray for the unborn babies in America.  It’s never wrong to do the RIGHT THING.  🙂





If you met a pregnant woman who was considering abortion, what would you say to her?  While I would not want to judge her in any way because I am not walking in her shoes, I would like to be compassionate and kind as I listened.  I want to help her sort through the lie of the world and the truth of God’s Word.

I believe in families.  God had a good idea when He came up with that concept.  To accept abortion as an alternative is sad because it is basically embracing failure.  I know you think you will just get rid of the baby (the “problem”) and go on with your life, but it’s really not that easy.  That fetus is a part of you.  Please don’t buy into the lie that once the baby is aborted, life will just pick up where it left off.

It’s bad enough to miscarry a baby – believe me.  I think about those babies every day.  I know how old they would be and I know that now I would surely be a grandma.  But no…  it just was not meant to be.

Maybe I feel so strongly about Pro-Life because of the losses I’ve suffered.  I don’t understand why a woman would CHOOSE to kill a fetus (which is a life – because life begins at conception).  I’m sorry but according to God’s Word it is murder.  Last time I looked, that was listed in the Ten Commandments.  And no, I am not going to preach to the pregnant woman considering abortion.  I just want her to know all the facts.  To take a Pro-Choice stand is to be very selfish.  Whose life are you ending and whose life are you saving?  Life is a big deal to God – the biggest of deals!

I do not hate you for weighing your options.  I do pray for you and for the life you have been blessed with.  There is a lie in the Pro-Choice camp that wants you to see this as a choice for freedom.  If you kill this child, you will be tighter bound than ever.  It’s a choice that will haunt you for the rest of your life.  That’s not a lie – that is the real truth.

Have your baby.  Please consider adoption.  Let another couple raise and give that baby everything that you are not prepared to give it.  Adoption is LOVE.  Abortion is HATE.

I’m so thankful my birth mom chose ADOPTION.  May God help you choose LIFE for your baby.  ❤