And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.  – Ephesians 4:32

August 25-31 is BE KIND TO HUMANKIND WEEK!  If ever we needed to extend kindness and quite frankly, receive it…  it is NOW!  Can I get an AMEN???

A mom said YES when her daughter asked if she could wear her mermaid outfit to church.  How kind of her!  How many others were touched as a result?

GOD USED A MERMAIDSYCAMORE TREESCan a tree be kind?  If so, the humble Sycamore was kind to ol’ Zach that day when Jesus was in town!  Kind trees, and people, are more interested in the wellbeing of others in their realm of influence than they are in themselves.  After Zacchaeus climbed down from the tree, did you see it recorded in God’s Word that the tree began to boast and brag about its part of the story?  Did the Sycamore demand to be given a medal of valor?  No…  the humble little Sycamore just stayed rooted right there and felt grateful to be used by Father God in the story.THE FLIGHT OF THE HUMBLE BEEKind people are sensitive souls, but it’s better than having a hard heart.  Humble bees don’t wear their Christianity in an obvious way, but those around them know where they stand and what they believe.  They live their life quietly and walk humbly with the LORD.

TODAY IS TOMORROWKind folks keep lists.  Now, as they get older, those lists may get misplaced from time to time, but there’s always a list of tasks to do.  There’s always someone who needs to receive a call or letter – and certainly someone who needs a prayer said for them!ACCEPTANCEKindness means accepting everyone where they are.  God sees us and knows where we are and where we need to be heading.  He doesn’t point a crooked finger at us and start nagging – so why should we?ENCOURAGEMENTBeing kind encompasses encouragement.  It’s easy to say nice things to those we are comfortable around and are friends with, but what about people that you would not normally reach out to?  I challenge you to encourage someone you would not normally speak to, let alone encourage.GIVE YOURSELF SOME GRACEThis is the most difficult of all things…  know that God has forgiven you, and now…  forgive yourself.  Don’t let the devil rob you of the joy God wants you to have.  He will try to tell you that God didn’t really forgive you – because you can still remember what you did.  Well, yes – there are consequences for sin to be sure, but that does not mean that God didn’t forgive the sinful act.  Once you have forgiven yourself, you can be a more kind person to others.  That weight will be lifted and life will be so much better!SOME DAYSDon’t be afraid to take the risk…  we’ve all hidden in the ivy vine at one time or the other!  Sometimes the experience is enough to make you think, “That’s IT – I’m never going to try to be nice to anyone ever again!”  Well, just know that it’s not an attitude that comes from God.  When people stomp your heart and misunderstand your intentions, just back off and go home.  Have a good cry and pray to God for answers.  He will help you get your act together so you can get over the trauma of rejection and hurt feelings – and try again.  Folks in the world would say…  GET OVER IT AND GET ON WITH IT.  A SIMPLE LIFE

Keep living a simple life and walk humbly with your God.  Be genuine.  Be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit this week.  If you ask Him to bring others across your path, He will answer that prayer.  Be the person God wants you to be.  Put on the full armor of God, then pray and wait…  see what God has in store for you this week.  TERRI BOGGS ROWE QUOTE

My friend, Terri Boggs Rowe, not only spoke these words, but took the photo!  Is she talented, or what???  This is her husband and their daughter dancing.  Awe…  The first time I saw this picture, I have to tell you, tears came to my eyes.  How many fathers take the time to dance with their daughters?  The message here is, even in your own family…

Be ye kind.  If being kind works out for you all week long, why not make it a permanent lifestyle change?  Just a thought.  🙂






TL 12-1 PREPARE YE THE WAY OF THE LORDI know that it’s more difficult to get into Christmas because of the terrorists attacks.  Believe me, I’m very saddened that once again our country has been a target – a soft target.  In spite of these happenings, we as Christians have a HOPE – in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  He is worthy of our praise and worship.  He came to earth to save us and we celebrate that fact.

Click image to enlarge

Today’s goal is to take some photos of God’s beautiful creation.  I find photographs of beauty soothe my troubled soul.  Let’s take a moment today to thank God for all the beauty around us.

I need this flower in my hair - and matching gloves!
I need this flower in my hair – and matching gloves!
What a lovely shot of the sun with the snow!
What a lovely shot of the sun with the snow!
Awe... how cute are they???
Awe… how cute are they???
Will you walk toward the sun or away from it?
Will you walk toward the sun or away from it?
When was the last time you made a snow angel?
When was the last time you made a snow angel?
The allure of this photo should seem obvious... COFFEE!!!
The allure of this photo should seem obvious… COFFEE!!!
A frosty pine tree branch. Isn't that pretty?
A frosty pine tree branch. Isn’t that pretty?
Isn't this nice?
Isn’t this nice?
Alpine... wow!
Alpine… wow!
Do you ski??? Not me... I'm not even almost athletically inclined.
Do you ski??? Not me… I’m not even almost athletically inclined.
I don't know much about birds, but aren't they pretty?
I don’t know much about birds, but aren’t they pretty?
Covered bridges are so romantic - even in the snow!
Covered bridges are so romantic – even in the snow!
I like that fence - it looks better covered with snow.
I like that fence – it looks better covered with snow.
Isn't God's creation majestic?
Isn’t God’s creation majestic?
This looks so serene.
This looks so serene.

grand-canyon-981717 grand-canyon-956723Did you know it snows at the Grand Canyon???  I didn’t – but then, I’ve never been there – not even in good weather.  It’s on my bucket list to visit – and I’ll get there someday – sure hope to.

This forest is a wonderland of snow.
This forest is a wonderland of snow.
They look like crystal, don't they?
They look like crystal, don’t they?

The last ice storm we had here in Wichita was back in 1993.  I remember standing outside where it was so quiet – then suddenly there would be a loud CRACKLING noise – the sound of branches breaking off trees from the weight of the ice!  It’s a weird sound to be sure.  The folks just northwest of us had an ice storm over the Thanksgiving holiday – just in time to mess up their plans.  😦

Hopefully these photos have helped us focus on God and have reminded us that He is in control – of nature, the climate, man and the future of everyone.  May God richly bless you today.  🙂





If you lived in the 1970’s then you will understand the humor in the story I’m telling you.  Nixon was the President and the scandal called Watergate was in the news every day.

Mom and Dad gave me a cassette tape recorder for my birthday one year.  It was a fun toy and I used it to record music off the radio and my friend Linda Brumbaugh and I used to do funny little “interviews” with each other.  As I got older though, I outgrew the need for it.

I started at Wichita State in the fall of 1979.  I still lived with my parents and helped them out as much as I could.  My studies took priority and between them, my part-time job on campus and teaching over 20 piano lessons a week, I was pretty busy.   One day I walked into the house and saw the funniest sight!  Mama was “dealing” with a pesky telemarketer!

She was arguing with the person and trying to nicely explain that she was not interested in whatever was being pushed down her throat.  This went on for a few minutes.  Then mama took the little portable cassette player and calmly set it up on the phone stand.  She gently said, “Hold please” and put the receiver of the phone right next to the speaker of the cassette player.  Then she pressed the PLAY button and played one of the recordings I had made years ago!

Had she done it to some poor soul before?  I don’t know, but she did it like it was not a brand new idea to her.  She came into the living room, sat on the couch and asked me how my day went.  She didn’t mention the fact that she had just put a poor unsuspecting telemarketer (just trying to make a living) on perpetual HOLD.

Of course today we have no-call lists for which I’m thankful.  I will never forget the day I walked in to see mama putting the telemarketer on hold.   Wink!   😉