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Fear is static that prevents me from hearing myself.   – Samuel Butler

It’s NATIONAL STATIC ELECTRICITY DAY!!!  Trust me, (the one with baby-fine blonde hair…), I’m well aware of the effects of static electricity!  At my birthday parties, my friends thought it was funny to rub a balloon on the carpet and hold it above my head – just to see my hair magically FLY…  well, what are friends for?  Positive and negative forces, huh?  Well, the positive force was making my hair stick to the balloon…  but the negative force was when I punched their arms for doing it.  Wait…  did I type that out loud???  Oops!  Well, that’s ok – I hit like a girl!

I can usually explain things after researching them – usually.  If you need a scientific explanation for static, I can’t provide that.  I read and understood for the most part, but just in case I don’t understand completely, I’ll just leave some links for you to visit – how about that?

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When I was a kid in the 1970’s, we watched these movies in science class – and my friends and I had more fun critiquing the men’s wardrobe and horn-rimmed glasses than learning anything about science.  Fortunately, now I’m mature enough to appreciate the actual subject now – well, sort of.  😉

OK, now that we’ve taken care of the technical stuff, can we get down to the FUN stuff?  Thank you!

Shared with permission.

We do have fun with static, but can these experiments relate at all in real life?  I think we can learn a lesson from them.  You knew I’d say that, right?

If you can’t hear the angels, try quieting the static of worry.  – Terri Guillemets

Some days we feel stuck in life because of fear and worry.  These best friends always travel together.  They are used in an effort to emotionally blackmail God’s children by the enemy of the soul – Satan.  I don’t like to waste a lot of my precious time talking about him or his sneaky ways, but it’s good to know when you’re getting spiritually stuck – and where the static is coming from – or more to the point, from whom it is coming.

If I mess up and I fear doing it again, that could paralyze me.  That in itself makes me feel miserable enough, but  if I begin to worry about messing up again, I’m nearly defeated.  Do you see what I’m saying?  It’s a cycle –  a vicious, pointless, waste of time.  But, if Satan can make us waste enough time beating ourselves up, he’s keeping us from doing good for others and serving God.  That’s worth his time.

Enough about the negative – what do we do about this cycle that has the potential to defeat us?  Pray the pain, fear and worry away!  Ask God’s Holy Spirit to remind you of who you are – in HIM – not who you are compared to another pianist, or another writer, or another Sunday School teacher.  Ask Him to remind you once again who you are – in HIM?  If you do that, He will remind you that you are HIS.  You are His very special creation – not because you have certain abilities or talents – those came from HIM to begin with!  He wants you to know you are His child and He loves you.  That puts everything back in its proper perspective.

It’s just a little observation from the one with baby-fine blonde hair that is easily affected by static electricity.  If you don’t want any spiritual static to hold you back this year, pray about what makes you hurt, scared and worried.  When you do, it will leave you because your Lord is bigger than either of these.  He really is! 😀

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Here’s an hour of hymns…  there’s no time like the present to ask God who you are – in HIM – through Jesus Christ, His Son.  Take time to pray then enjoy the rest of the day.  ❤