
I will not set before my eyes anything that is worthless. I hate the work of those who fall away; it shall not cling to me.  – Psalm 101:3

Have you taken a look at the shows that are to première tonight?  The only one that piqued my interest was one called “Quantico”, which I’m thinking is a spin-off the popular show “Criminal Minds”.  Then I thought of how often that program upset me and got me scared just before bedtime – which – hello – that’s helpful.  I’m sure “Quantico” is going to be cranked up a notch – it surely will be.  Do I really need to set that before my eyes?  I may be watching DVD’s tonight.  Yes, they’re old and I’ve watched them a gazillion times – but they don’t give me nightmares!

Most of the new titles are either sexually suggestive or look uninteresting to me.  Yes, I’m getting old – I admit it.  Give me “Murder, She Wrote” DVD’s and a bowl of veggie dip and fresh veggies to snack on!

The shows of today and the techno-babble music…  it’s lost me.  I’m out.  I was working out the other day to a song where the girl kept singing YOU DON’T MAKE ME HIGH ANYMORE.  I try not to listen closely…  but seriously – it was impossible to tune that out – it was repeated over and over and…  OVER!  You can put down the repeating of the choruses in church all you want – but in my humble opinion…  they got that brilliant idea from the world.

When I’d finally heard the last annoying complaint that YOU DON’T MAKE ME HIGH ANYMORE…  I said to myself…  “Then let me tell ya, girlfriend…  you are NOT ready to get married to one man for the rest of your life!”  Just sayin’…

What an immature statement to make in a song – so-called song.  A very long…  redundant, repetitive song.  Ugh. 

A wicked plan or purpose is thus represented as having a tendency to fasten itself on a man, or to “stick to him”—as pitch, or wax, or a burr does.  – Albert Barnes.

We have to be so careful about not only what we say and do, but what we take in.  How many women listen to that song, that statement – and then decide that they should probably move on?  You don’t know what action may be triggered in another person.

As you look for new TV shows to watch and new music to listen to, keep in mind this simple Bible verse.  Don’t waste your time with anything worthless.  Don’t let anything stick to you that does not feed your soul.  Find something that makes your brain work a little bit.  There’s something about helping a detective (or a mystery book writer) solve crimes…  I get wrapped up in it and help Jessica Fletcher – even after all these years!  🙂






ISAIAH 8:19 ON 8/19

TL ISAIAH 8 19 ON 8 19

 When someone tells you to consult mediums and spiritists, who whisper and mutter, should not a people inquire of their God? Why consult the dead on behalf of the living?  – Isaiah 8:19


I’m not making excuses…  okay, maybe I am.  Once in a while, as I’m flipping through the channels (all 150 of them), I land on the popular TV show, “Long Island Medium”.  I’m fascinated and get sucked in as I watch the sage burn and the talk of “spirit” and the accuracy with which this woman reads people and their pain.

Then it dawns on me – I need to find something else to watch and put my faith in God and not a human being who may claim to speak to my departed loved ones.  It’s a struggle for me because I so want to believe that someone could actually communicate with them and tell me what they think and how they are doing.  Most of the living who have lost loved ones wish that could happen.

But it can’t – it really can’t.  As sad as the realization makes me, I know that my parents are doing well because they are in heaven with Jesus.  I also know that there is no remembrance of things past – they do not remember me, but they are no longer in pain and they are young and happy.  I have that assurance from God’s Holy Word.  That’s good enough for me because that is truth.

Sometimes when we miss our loved ones so much, we want to believe that a gifted psychic or spiritual advisor could speak with them and be a translator of sorts – just so we could hear from them just one more time.  But according to God’s Word, once our loved ones go to heaven, they don’t remember the former things of earth.  We who are left to live on should have hope because we know they are happy and free of sorrow and pain.

God weeps for those of us who are still stuck here because He is taking care of our loved one(s).  We need to trust God and His promises.  Just have faith in Him.  If we can trust God for our needs and remember our loved one(s) are alright, it will help us to be alright too.

You know, sometimes when I pray to God, I ask Him to pass along messages to my mom and dad.  I like to think He does that for me – because He knows that I’m still stuck down here to keep living and struggling on without them.  It’s not easy, but when I think about God passing my messages along – it makes me smile.  🙂





12-16 CHRISTMAS 1966

On this day in 1966, The Beatles released “Everywhere It’s Christmas” to their fans in the United Kingdom.

I have always thought of Christmas time, when it has come round, as a good time; a kind, forgiving, charitable time; the only time I know of, in the long calendar of the year, when men and women seem by one consent to open their shut-up hearts freely, and to think of people below them as if they really were fellow passengers to the grave, and not another race of creatures bound on other journeys.   – Charles Dickens

Seven records were released to the fans at Christmastime from 1963-1969 with all seven compiled in 1970.  The Beatles’ Christmas records were spoken and musical messages to members of their official fan clubs in the U.K. and the U.S., meant to appease fans whose letters, due to their sheer volume, were not being answered in a timely manner.

I’d love to reply personally to everyone, but I just haven’t enough pens.  – John Lennon

An example of the messages include one to “loyal Beatle people”, along with skits, Christmas carols, and original compositions.  “Christmas Time (Is Here Again)” appeared in edited form on the 1967 record and eventually gained an official release in 1995 as part of The Beatles Anthology.

Credits are as follows:

John Lennon: vocals, bass drum
Paul McCartney: vocals, piano
George Harrison: vocals, acoustic guitar
Ringo Starr: vocals, drums, tap dancing
George Martin: vocals
Victor Spinetti: vocals, tap dancing
Mal Evans: spoken word

Of the seven recordings, in my humble opinion this one is the best.  It’s the wacky, zany, wonderful stuff of Beatlemania!  Others tried to duplicate their sound, but their music was the sound of the 1960’s.

Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and love of kindred, and we are better throughout the year for having, in spirit, become a child again at Christmas-time.   – Laura Ingalls Wilder

Pantomime: Everywhere It’s Christmas (1966): Unlike previous years, there is no Tony Barrow script to follow. The Beatles came up with a pantomime idea and open with a short piano tune called “Everywhere It’s Christmas,” followed by some group harmonies where they sing something called “Orowaynya.” After that, there is a series of humorous skits, sound effects and even yodeling. Then there is another piano tune called “Please Don’t Bring Your Banjo Back” followed by a reprise of “Everywhere It’s Christmas.” The British sleeve has colorful artwork designed by Paul McCartney. It was issued in America on a one-sided thin vinyl record similar to a flexi-disc and a postcard without the artwork. Time: 6:40


It’s just a little piece of rock history (and childhood memories) all wrapped up in the Christmas season.  ❤

If you are looking for a perfect Christmas gift, may I suggest a new devotional book by Lucinda Berry Hill?  Everyone needs a new devotional book to begin the new year!


Click on the link below to order your copy!
