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I’m sure most people are AWARE of the two types of Diabetes – there’s type one – which means that the pancreas has never worked and won’t – and there’s type two – which means that the pancreas is the laziest organ in the body and needs a swift kick to get going every day (through low carb diet and exercise)!

Both types have unique challenges – but please don’t confuse the types – that doesn’t help anyone.  God bless the type ones who need constant monitoring and for whom insulin is essential.  Do not pass GO, do not collect $200 – take an insulin shot!

Type twos test – we test in the morning to get a fasting.  We test before exercise and afterwards.  We test when we feel weird (for me that’s a lot).  Stop laughing.  Seriously – quit it!

Type ones are also helped greatly through diet and exercise.


I am dedicated to creating a health and wellness community as a way of giving back all I learned along the way to be as mindful and physically and emotionally and spiritually in “balance” as I can be. Being emotionally and physically fit demands a dedication to quality in every aspect of your life that evolves and gets better over time. Join me as I provide you with all the ingredients and wisdom I subscribe to and practice daily in my own life. Age is only a number…you can be cool and fit even at 68 ….My aim is to teach you “how” and to “motivate” you to make this a part of all that you are.  – Ellen Sherman

Ellen has been an amazing facebook friend!  Her posts have motivated me to live a more healthy lifestyle.  I know the goal is to live longer, but really – I’ve learned that it’s important on a daily basis so you can feel good – just feel GOOD – present tense.  It’s worth it to take care of yourself for the sake of the present moment – not just for the future.

Type twos like me absolutely HAVE to get up and move every day.  Move, move, mooooooooooove!!!

just-mooooveI love that poem!  LOL!!!  Move…  move… moooooooooove!

I can’t emphasize this enough to all type two diabetics…  DIET & EXERCISE!!!  One without the other is not good enough – you can eat low-carb foods but without the exercise, you won’t lower your A1c.  The two must work hand in hand.

My friend John found this song – LOL!

I once had someone say to me, “Diabetes?  So what’s the big deal?  You just take your shot and steer clear of sugar!”  Well, we know different, don’t we?  November is Diabetes Awareness Month, and a good chance for folks like that to learn that, living with diabetes is not as simple as they may have been led to believe.  Diabetes is always there, in our minds, 24/7.  It’s like the uninvited guest that never leaves!  Let us continue to spread the word that, it is not only important to be aware, but this awareness will save lives too.  I remember having no idea what my symptoms meant, back in 1974.  The loss of weight, despite eating the same, the frequent urination, the dehydration, and just feeling draggy.  My Father soon became more concerned and got me to the hospital.  I was soon diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes.  A few years later, I noticed that a fellow worker was also showing these symptoms.  Like me, he was unaware of what was happening to him.  When I suggested to him that he should have it checked out, he just brushed it off with the fact that he had just been working too hard lately.  He kept feeling worse, and finally went to the hospital.  He was soon diagnosed with Type 1 also.  He later thanked me, and he was glad he followed through on my suggestion.  I hope everyone will help to spread awareness!  – John Manganiello

You know, the challenges for type ones and type twos are so vastly different, it would almost be a marvelous idea to come up with a completely different name for type two diabetes – because our bad press has cast a huge shadow on type ones that they do not deserve.

Type twos – we’re the ones who are generally overweight, lazy, and need to walk away from the dessert table with an empty plate.  We’re the ones that everybody seems to think we all are – but we’re NOT!  I wish type two diabetics had a completely different name – not associated with type ones at all.  Why?  Because our challenges are not the same.

Many people who are diabetic suffer from depression.  If you treat the depression it helps you with treating your diabetes.  If you treat the diabetes with a healthy lifestyle it helps you with the depression.  The mind-body connection is truly remarkable.  Do what it takes to increase your growth of brain cells which diminishes with poor diabetic control.  – Ellen Sherman

Type ones have done NOTHING WRONG – they were born with a non-functioning pancreas – yet folks for some unknown reason – stick them with the same stigma that type twos have to live with – it’s so unfair, people.  Be careful how you categorize diabetics!  Better yet – don’t label any of us – not even type twos.  It’s really mean because if you aren’t living the life – you just don’t get it.14611161_1596306397343706_3508515821361959285_n

Here’s my facebook friend, Alissa Podber, dressed in blue in honor of Diabetic Awareness Month!  Isn’t she pretty?  🙂

The type two struggle is real, people!  I don’t eat starches – do you know how much of the food group that includes?  I eat HIGH PROTEIN, LOW CARB.  It’s a disciplined lifestyle, but my A1c went from 9 to 6.3 in a few months…  so – it works!  I no longer have to take insulin.  But here’s the humbling truth – – – I know if I mess up my diet or skip exercise – I’ll go right back from whence I came – I’ve become scared of food.  Who is scared of FOOD???  What’s the name for that phobia?

I can’t eat beans in chili – that’s a tough one.  Beans are high in fiber but they also have a ton of carbs!  I can no longer put potatoes or pasta in soup – my vegetable soup is tomato juice, water, celery, kale, carrots and hamburger.  Yes, I’ve lost 25 pounds and have a way to go…  but it’s a real sacrifice.

No more bread…  I tried cloud bread – I don’t get what the big whoop is about – I didn’t like it.

SO…  I get a little 4-pack of that sweet Hawaiian bread – you know the kind – in the orange wrapper – KING’S I think it’s called.  I hide it from myself and eat one of those rolls (not the whole package) if I have a LOW.  I know a lot of people keep a tube of icing in the house – but I get so hungry for bread…  this works better for me.  🙂

Diabetes is a daily part of Aly’s life … day in and day out she deals with finger pricks, blood sugar testing, infusion site changes, high and low blood sugars, and treating low blood sugars. This will continue to be Aly’s lifestyle until the day a cure is found. #t1dlookslikeme #diabetesawarenessmonth  – Katrina, Aly’s awesome mom.

My little friend (but getting bigger every year) Aly, made some really cute memes for Diabetic Awareness Month.  Mom Katrina said it’s okay to post them – YAY!  I think Aly needs to give me some designing lessons – these are so very cute!14516447_10153986567143379_6359830083846122574_n

My super hero friend Aly – creative and personality PLUS.  🙂


Stay strong, my young superhero friend!  My type one friends need a cure!  I need a stronger resolve to maintain a LCHF (low carb high fat) diet and exercise every day.  God bless us, every one!  🙂

JOHN 10:9 ON 10/9


 I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture.  – John 10:9

Christ Jesus is the way, truth, life…  and the gate.  Once we have come to a saving knowledge of Christ, we have true freedom.  I’m reminded of a butterfly when I think of real freedom.  They go where they want to go…  we’re like that – we have the freedom to be everything we can be in life.  Nothing can stop us from being the best beings we can be!  Let’s find pasture – be free…  FLY!

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, You exist in perfect harmony. May Your Spirit dwell in us that the world might see You, and believe.  – Bobby Fulks

We need to ditch the stigmas and labels of society.  What happened to the Golden Rule:  Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  What has happened to us as a society?  I’ve decided there’s not a thing I can do about anybody else or their attitudes…  but with God’s help in Christ, there is a ton of stuff I can do to make my attitude SHINE.  I’m determined to be a shining example in a society that is clearly taking a turn in the wrong direction.



I love butterflies because they remind us that we can change who and what we are simply by giving us the wings to fly higher and higher. Don’t allow others to clip your wings by the labels and stigmas they attach to you. Realize that you have the greatest power to change your destiny. Change may be tough but once you realize its worth there is nothing that can stop you from maintaining and continuing your journey upward.  – Ellen Sherman.


Thank you, Ellen, for letting me share your quote and this lovely statue from your beautiful garden!  I’m so blessed to call you FRIEND.

I want to be God’s butterfly – rising above it all.  With God’s help, I’m determined to ditch stigmas and labels, knowing that God created all sorts of butterflies…  all sizes and colors!  He made each species and declared, “It is good.”  How boring would this world be if we were all the same?  What if there were only Monarch butterflies and no other species?  Ridiculous, right?  The same applies to us as people.  It’s our differences that make us so wonderful.  When will we learn that lesson?

When we learn to stop judging another person and begin to pray for them instead…  wow, what a wonderful world this would be!  Today I pray that you will fly like a butterfly…  free and unencumbered by labels or stigmas.  Instead of judging someone, judge yourself next to God’s Word.  When each of us stand before our Maker, that’s the only judgment that will matter.

I don’t know about you, but I want to hear my Lord say, “Well done good and faithful servant.  Enter now unto thy rest.”  I know the Bible tells us that there will be no tears in Heaven…  but I gotta say, how could I possibly hear those words from God Himself and not weep???  I’m crying now…  pass the tissues!

This butterfly just wants to fly to her final rest knowing that all is well between me and thee…  and me and my Father in Heaven.  Vertical and horizontal…  like the CROSS of Christ – the sign of the cross.  Keep the way clear – there’s nothing between my soul and my Savior.  🙂