We all have a circle of besties…  we get together and giggle and share the latest.  At some point the conversation turns to our favorite TV shows – which of course we all watch and can relate to on some level.

Some characters on sitcoms make us feel as though we can tackle anything, don’t they?  My friends and I watch “Mike & Molly”.  The second we read this line, we were hooked:

A couple meets at an Overeaters’ Anonymous meeting.

We absolutely adore Melissa McCarthy for her self-confidence and attitude toward life both in character and out.  We agree…  we want some-a-dat!

At this point in my life, I just think, ‘Who cares?’  – Melissa McCarthy

The world likes to put stereotypes on plus-size women (a club I’m a charter member of).  They want to shame us into submission at the dinner table and give us disapproving glances if they see us eating low-fat frozen yogurt at Braum’s.

Yes, of course I want to lose some weight to help my health – but it’s certainly not for reasons of vanity.  While most women are worrying about whether they are bikini ready, I’m hoping I can still wear my capris from last summer.

I don’t understand why if you’re a certain size, designers think your taste level goes down.”  – Melissa McCarthy

We admire her for so many reasons.  It seems that her true self comes through in her character on television.  My writer friends and I especially like the episodes when Molly is writing – and very strange things happen.

Isn’t it funny how conversations take funny twists and turns when we are with our best friends?  We discuss real life – and suddenly, real life brings to mind a crazy television show.  Sometimes it’s a toss-up as to which is more true to life.

There are a few full episodes of “Mike & Molly” on You Tube, but I won’t post them here because of copyright infringement.

I believe that it matters how you treat people.  I believe in heaven.  I don’t believe that this is it, and we’re done.  – Melissa McCarthy

We have these shows to remind us that life can get much more crazy than it has.  Aren’t we thankful for the folks like Melissa McCarthy who dramatize reality every Monday night on CBS?  We would rather laugh at situations than cry about them – or at least that’s what my friends and I have decided.  🙂


Let me know what you think!!!