MATTHEW 5:10 ON 5/10

TL 5-10 MATTHEW 5-10 ON 5 10

Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. – Matthew 5:10

Persecution…  I don’t believe Christians in America are actually persecuted like others around the world.  I believe we feel threatened now more than ever because our right to practice our religion freely seems less likely with the passing of time.  Sometimes it just seems the wicked win, doesn’t it?  But we’ve read the back of the Book – and we know the wicked won’t win in the end.  God and His children win.GOD'S GOT YOU

We’re encouraged that those persecuted because of righteousness are blessed of God and theirs is the kingdom of heaven.  Even when it seems that God isn’t paying attention, we need to realize that He is very much aware of your situation – and the fact that you are being persecuted for your faith.

In Egypt and all Arab Muslim countries, public distribution of Bibles and Christian literature to Muslims is considered a crime. According to Egyptian law, a Christian can be instantly arrested and charged with insulting the state religion if they are caught distributing such materials. This charge might result in three-year imprisonment. Some Egyptian brothers and sisters have received similar sentences and are now serving time in various prisons throughout Egypt.

Meanwhile back in the USA, we argue and debate and bicker about the most stupid things – seriously.  Some of the subjects of discussion are pure distraction from the important issues we need to be focusing on.  Are we sharing our faith with people really???  Let’s face it, so far in America, we can still post GOOD MORNING AND GOD BLESS YOU on facebook with no fear of imprisonment.

I’m not suggesting that we throw ourselves in harm’s way in a purposeful manner – but I do believe we need to remember that our time is short and there are so many lives to touch.  Our brothers and sisters in Egypt share Christ knowing that if caught, they face jail time, and I’d say in some cases, worse.  According to this beatitude, they are blessed of God for the risk they take.

Keep those who are truly persecuted in your daily prayers.  May God continue to bless and protect them.  🙂