This morning for the first time in a few days, I eased into my day with a cozy robe, a good devotional book and a nice hot cup of coffee.  These days I don’t just drink any brand of coffee, but I enjoy Organo Gold black coffee because it helps my fibromyalgia.

As I understand it, our bodies thrive when they are well oxygenated.  The less oxygen, or the less P.h., the more likely sickness and disease is to invade.  Now I’m not a doctor or pharmacist, but I am a person who has felt better since using this coffee.

A friend on facebook read a whine of mine (that’s my name for it) on my timeline.  I was complaining, which is something I try not to do.  In this case, however, I am glad I did because this sweet lady sent me several packets of gourmet coffee.  I can’t say the fibro is gone (I wish), but I can say I feel better.

This sounds like an advertisement for Organo Gold, but trust me, it is not.  I have no affiliation whatsoever with the company.  It’s just me telling the truth about my personal experience with the product.

It apparently has something to do with an ingredient found in mushrooms (of all things). Ganoderma infused products help the body stay on the alkaline side, which promotes better health.

A special shout out and thank you to my friend for sending me such a generous amount of this great coffee!  God sent you my way.  He takes such good care of His own!

Oh – and did I mention it tastes good too?  As the name would indicate, it is a gourmet black coffee.  It’s never bitter or too strong.  The widespread pain of fibromyalgia has not gone away for me, but it has certainly become more manageable in my case.

Organo Gold has a facebook page!

Since the company is in Canada, you can save some money on shipping by purchasing through Amazon.

I’ve taken some interesting turns with my health in the past week, but one thing I can say is that my fibromyalgia is helped by this wonderful coffee.  I hope you will give Organo Gold gourmet black coffee a try if you have fibromyalgia.  I won’t promise that it will help you like it has helped me, but it wouldn’t hurt to try it.  🙂


Let me know what you think!!!