Do you have brown eyes?  Maybe they are blue, or green, or hazel, or gray.  I once saw a photo of a white cat with purple eyes, but I’m pretty sure that was photo shopped.  No matter what color your eyes are, they are the windows to your soul – and you know what?  Your eyes let others know so much.  Your love ratio shows through in your eyes.  If God’s love lives in your soul, His love will shine through – and people will see it in your eyes.

We look each other in the eye and become uncomfortable when a person doesn’t look us in the eye.  We feel they somehow have something to hide or are guilty of something.  Of course, it could be that a person is just shy, but avoiding eye contact raises red flags to most of us.

The way the world thinks of love is so superficial and lightweight.  There’s barely a commitment involved in relationships anymore, which is so sad.  God’s love is so strong and He is so faithful and reliable to us, isn’t He?  He knows I’m not always going to get things right, but He knows that my heart is in the right place and my mind is fixed on His Word.  Most people are fairly self-centered, if we’re completely honest about it.  God is all about us and wants His best plan for us.  Why would we not want Him in our lives?

I was having a chuckle about the dance moves in this video.  These kids are obviously Baptists…  we don’t dance and this is our signature move.  Ha!

If ever there was a verse that Christians should memorize…  this is it.  Let’s memorize it – and put it into practice.  Let’s be the children God wants us to be.

I ran across this little video and thought it was just precious.  If you need encouragement to memorize this verse…  here ya go!

I like that little shirt too – so cute!

In closing, I want to emphasize that this is the most important commandment ever issued from the throne of glory.  I we choose to neglect this one, we can’t keep any of the others.  If we choose to observe it, we can easily keep the others.

Love trumps everything in God’s book.  God is love – and He expects nothing less from His children as they interact with one another.  🙂




Let me know what you think!!!