Writers are disciplined individuals.  Quit laughing!  Seriously…  it’s really bugging me – stop!

There are only so many hours in the day…  plus, there are so many distractions that can derail your train of thought…  everything from a noisy dishwasher to the television set in the room next to your writing space.  It can be maddening when you’re trying to write.

Natalie Marie Collins makes a wonderful suggestion…  LEAVE.  Go to a writing safe place, whether it is a favorite coffee shop or restaurant.  Wherever you decide to go, make it a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed while you research and write.PEACE HAS A HOLD ON ME

When God has placed a desire in your heart to write and share with others about Him, you have to trust that He will provide the perfect atmosphere to do the work He’s asked you to do.  I’m fortunate because I have a room that is specifically designated for writing and designing.  Nobody bothers me or distracts me while I’m there.  I make coffee or tea before I begin – then let the research begin!

This is a day set aside specifically for those who may not have a special writing spot at home.  Maybe there are more distractions than you can deal with.  Maybe you just get sat down to write and get interrupted.  Nothing kills the will to write faster than interruptions.  I hope you’ll find Natalie’s suggestions helpful.  I believe there are so many Christian writers out there, but they have such busy lives and can’t figure out a way to find a quiet, peaceful atmosphere where they can spend two or three hours writing.

NECTAR FOR A BUTTERFLYIt’s important to find solitude and serene surroundings before you write.  If a butterfly wants nectar it has to find a flower.  Nothing intended to encourage and uplift can be conveyed if it’s written in the midst of chaos.  If God calls you to write, He’s going to work out the details for you.  The world may need to hear the story that only you can tell.  If you ask God to help you find a great place to write – He will certainly find it for you!

May God bless you as you contemplate writing today!  🙂





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